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Glenn Miller

Instructor | College of Engineering and Science - Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences

Contact Information


Marine ecology, Predator-prey interactions, Biological statistics, Multivariate analysis, Ecological modeling

Educational Background

Ph.D., Marine Sciences, University of South Alabama, 2011

B.S., Marine Science / Biology, University of Alabama, summa cum laude, 2001

Professional Experience

Instructor / Lab coordinator; Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences; 2018 - current

Instructor / Lab coordinator; Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Biological Sciences; 2015 - 2018

Visiting instructor; Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Biological Sciences; 2013 - 2015

Post-doctoral researcher; Dauphin Island Sea Lab and University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Marine Science; 2011 - 2013

Laboratory technician; Florida State University, Department of Oceanography; 2001 - 2003

Additional Duties

Faculty advisor for Sigma Psi chapter of Tri Beta (National Biological Honor Society)

Current Courses

BIO 1010 - Biological Discovery 1

BIO 1020 - Biological Discovery 2

BIO 1040 - Introduction to Biodiversity and Physiology

MAR 3410 - General Ecology

MAR 5025 - Ecology of Salt Marshes and Mangroves

MAR 5028 - Design and Analysis of Ecological Studies

MAR 5075 - Multivariate Analysis in Biology

Selected Publications

Fire, S.E., G.A. Miller, E.R. Sabater, R.S. Wells.  2021.  Utility of Red Tide (Karenia brevis) Monitoring Data as a Predictive Tool to Estimate Brevetoxin Accumulation in Live, Free-Ranging Marine Mammals.  Frontiers in Marine Science.  8: 611310.  

Fire, S.E., A. Bogomolni, R.A. DiGiovanni Jr, G. Early, T.A. Leighfield, K. Matassa, G.A. Miller, K.M.T. Moore, M. Moore, M. Niemeyer, K. Pugliares, Z. Wang, F.W. Wenzel.  2021.  An assessment of temporal, spatial and taxonomic trends in harmful algal toxin exposure in stranded marine mammals from the U.S. New England coast. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0243570.

Fire, S.E., T.A. Leighfield, G.A. Miller, S. Piwetz, E.R. Sabater, H. Whitehead.  2020.  Association between red tide exposure and detection of corresponding neurotoxins in bottlenose dolphins from Texas waters during 2007–2017.  Marine Environmental Research.  162: 105191.

Fire, S.E., G.A. Miller, R.S. Wells.  2020.  Explosive exhalations by common bottlenose dolphins during Karenia brevis red tides.  Heliyon 6: e03525.

Cebrian, J. , G. A. Miller, J.P. Stutes, A.L. Stutes, M.E. Miller, K.L. Sheehan. 2009. A comparison of fish populations in shallow coastal lagoons with contrasting shoalgrass (Halodule wrightii) cover in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research, 21: 57-61.

Richmond, C, N.H. Marcus, C. Sedlacek, G.A. Miller, C. Oppert. 2006. Hypoxia and seasonal temperature: short-term effects and long-term implications for Acartia tonsa dana. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 328: 177-196.

Marcus, N.H., C. Richmond, C. Sedlacek, G.A. Miller, C. Oppert. 2004. Impact of hypoxia on the survival, egg production, and population dynamics of Acartia tonsa Dana. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 301: 111-128.

Recognition & Awards

Advisor of the Year, 2016, Tri Beta region 1

Advisor of the Year, 2014, Tri Beta region 1

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